Ralf c90968bb70 stm32/rcc: Modify only relevant CFGR bits and keep the settings previously done.
PLL settings remained intact because these bits are not writable when PLL is enabled,
but prescaler settings were overwritten by selecting PLL as sysclk (CFGR.SW[1:0]).
2022-05-12 09:09:39 +02:00

340 lines
10 KiB

use crate::pac::flash::vals::Latency;
use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Hpre, Pllmul, Pllsrc, Ppre, Prediv, Sw, Usbpre};
use crate::pac::{FLASH, RCC};
use crate::rcc::{set_freqs, Clocks};
use crate::time::Hertz;
const HSI: u32 = 8_000_000;
/// Clocks configutation
pub struct Config {
/// Frequency of HSE oscillator
/// 4MHz to 32MHz
pub hse: Option<Hertz>,
/// Bypass HSE for an external clock
pub bypass_hse: bool,
/// Frequency of the System Clock
pub sysclk: Option<Hertz>,
/// Frequency of AHB bus
pub hclk: Option<Hertz>,
/// Frequency of APB1 bus
/// - Max frequency 36MHz
pub pclk1: Option<Hertz>,
/// Frequency of APB2 bus
/// - Max frequency with HSE is 72MHz
/// - Max frequency without HSE is 64MHz
pub pclk2: Option<Hertz>,
/// USB clock setup
/// It is valid only when,
/// - HSE is enabled,
/// - The System clock frequency is either 48MHz or 72MHz
/// - APB1 clock has a minimum frequency of 10MHz
pub pll48: bool,
// Information required to setup the PLL clock
struct PllConfig {
pll_src: Pllsrc,
pll_mul: Pllmul,
pll_div: Option<Prediv>,
/// Initialize and Set the clock frequencies
pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
// Calculate the real System clock, and PLL configuration if applicable
let (Hertz(sysclk), pll_config) = get_sysclk(&config);
assert!(sysclk <= 72_000_000);
// Calculate real AHB clock
let hclk = config.hclk.map(|h| h.0).unwrap_or(sysclk);
let (hpre_bits, hpre_div) = match sysclk / hclk {
0 => unreachable!(),
1 => (Hpre::DIV1, 1),
2 => (Hpre::DIV2, 2),
3..=5 => (Hpre::DIV4, 4),
6..=11 => (Hpre::DIV8, 8),
12..=39 => (Hpre::DIV16, 16),
40..=95 => (Hpre::DIV64, 64),
96..=191 => (Hpre::DIV128, 128),
192..=383 => (Hpre::DIV256, 256),
_ => (Hpre::DIV512, 512),
let hclk = sysclk / hpre_div;
assert!(hclk <= 72_000_000);
// Calculate real APB1 clock
let pclk1 = config.pclk1.map(|p| p.0).unwrap_or(hclk);
let (ppre1_bits, ppre1) = match hclk / pclk1 {
0 => unreachable!(),
1 => (Ppre::DIV1, 1),
2 => (Ppre::DIV2, 2),
3..=5 => (Ppre::DIV4, 4),
6..=11 => (Ppre::DIV8, 8),
_ => (Ppre::DIV16, 16),
let timer_mul1 = if ppre1 == 1 { 1 } else { 2 };
let pclk1 = hclk / ppre1;
assert!(pclk1 <= 36_000_000);
// Calculate real APB2 clock
let pclk2 = config.pclk2.map(|p| p.0).unwrap_or(hclk);
let (ppre2_bits, ppre2) = match hclk / pclk2 {
0 => unreachable!(),
1 => (Ppre::DIV1, 1),
2 => (Ppre::DIV2, 2),
3..=5 => (Ppre::DIV4, 4),
6..=11 => (Ppre::DIV8, 8),
_ => (Ppre::DIV16, 16),
let timer_mul2 = if ppre2 == 1 { 1 } else { 2 };
let pclk2 = hclk / ppre2;
assert!(pclk2 <= 72_000_000);
// Set latency based on HCLK frquency
// RM0316: "The prefetch buffer must be kept on when using a prescaler
// different from 1 on the AHB clock.", "Half-cycle access cannot be
// used when there is a prescaler different from 1 on the AHB clock"
FLASH.acr().modify(|w| {
w.set_latency(if hclk <= 24_000_000 {
} else if hclk <= 48_000_000 {
} else {
if hpre_div != 1 {
// Enable HSE
// RM0316: "Bits 31:26 Reserved, must be kept at reset value."
if config.hse.is_some() {
RCC.cr().modify(|w| {
// We turn on clock security to switch to HSI when HSE fails
while !RCC.cr().read().hserdy() {}
// Enable PLL
// RM0316: "Reserved, must be kept at reset value."
if let Some(ref pll_config) = pll_config {
RCC.cfgr().modify(|w| {
if let Some(pll_div) = pll_config.pll_div {
RCC.cfgr2().modify(|w| w.set_prediv(pll_div));
RCC.cr().modify(|w| w.set_pllon(true));
while !RCC.cr().read().pllrdy() {}
// CFGR has been written before (PLL) don't overwrite these settings
if config.pll48 {
let usb_pre = get_usb_pre(&config, sysclk, pclk1, &pll_config);
RCC.cfgr().modify(|w| {
// Set prescalers
// CFGR has been written before (PLL, PLL48) don't overwrite these settings
RCC.cfgr().modify(|w| {
// Wait for the new prescalers to kick in
// "The clocks are divided with the new prescaler factor from
// 1 to 16 AHB cycles after write"
// CFGR has been written before (PLL, PLL48, clock divider) don't overwrite these settings
RCC.cfgr().modify(|w| {
w.set_sw(match (pll_config, config.hse) {
(Some(_), _) => Sw::PLL,
(None, Some(_)) => Sw::HSE,
(None, None) => Sw::HSI,
set_freqs(Clocks {
sys: Hertz(sysclk),
apb1: Hertz(pclk1),
apb2: Hertz(pclk2),
apb1_tim: Hertz(pclk1 * timer_mul1),
apb2_tim: Hertz(pclk2 * timer_mul2),
ahb1: Hertz(hclk),
fn get_sysclk(config: &Config) -> (Hertz, Option<PllConfig>) {
match (config.sysclk, config.hse) {
(Some(sysclk), Some(hse)) if sysclk == hse => (hse, None),
(Some(sysclk), None) if sysclk.0 == HSI => (Hertz(HSI), None),
// If the user selected System clock is different from HSI or HSE
// we will have to setup PLL clock source
(Some(sysclk), _) => {
let (sysclk, pll_config) = calc_pll(config, sysclk);
(sysclk, Some(pll_config))
(None, Some(hse)) => (hse, None),
(None, None) => (Hertz(HSI), None),
fn calc_pll(config: &Config, Hertz(sysclk): Hertz) -> (Hertz, PllConfig) {
// Calculates the Multiplier and the Divisor to arrive at
// the required System clock from PLL source frequency
let get_mul_div = |sysclk, pllsrcclk| {
let common_div = gcd(sysclk, pllsrcclk);
let mut multiplier = sysclk / common_div;
let mut divisor = pllsrcclk / common_div;
// Minimum PLL multiplier is two
if multiplier == 1 {
multiplier *= 2;
divisor *= 2;
assert!(multiplier <= 16);
assert!(divisor <= 16);
(multiplier, divisor)
// Based on the source of Pll, we calculate the actual system clock
// frequency, PLL's source identifier, multiplier and divisor
let (act_sysclk, pll_src, pll_mul, pll_div) = match config.hse {
Some(Hertz(hse)) => {
let (multiplier, divisor) = get_mul_div(sysclk, hse);
Hertz((hse / divisor) * multiplier),
None => {
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
// For some chips PREDIV is always two, and cannot be changed
if #[cfg(any(
stm32f302xd, stm32f302xe, stm32f303xd,
stm32f303xe, stm32f398xe
))] {
let (multiplier, divisor) = get_mul_div(sysclk, HSI);
Hertz((HSI / divisor) * multiplier),
} else {
let pllsrcclk = HSI / 2;
let multiplier = sysclk / pllsrcclk;
assert!(multiplier <= 16);
Hertz(pllsrcclk * multiplier),
PllConfig {
fn get_usb_pre(config: &Config, sysclk: u32, pclk1: u32, pll_config: &Option<PllConfig>) -> Usbpre {
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
// Some chips do not have USB
if #[cfg(any(stm32f301, stm32f318, stm32f334))] {
panic!("USB clock not supported by the chip");
} else {
let usb_ok = config.hse.is_some() && pll_config.is_some() && (pclk1 >= 10_000_000);
match (usb_ok, sysclk) {
(true, 72_000_000) => Usbpre::DIV1_5,
(true, 48_000_000) => Usbpre::DIV1,
_ => panic!(
"USB clock is only valid if the PLL output frequency is either 48MHz or 72MHz"
// This function assumes cases when multiplier is one and it
// being greater than 16 is made impossible
fn into_pll_mul(multiplier: u32) -> Pllmul {
match multiplier {
2 => Pllmul::MUL2,
3 => Pllmul::MUL3,
4 => Pllmul::MUL4,
5 => Pllmul::MUL5,
6 => Pllmul::MUL6,
7 => Pllmul::MUL7,
8 => Pllmul::MUL8,
9 => Pllmul::MUL9,
10 => Pllmul::MUL10,
11 => Pllmul::MUL11,
12 => Pllmul::MUL12,
13 => Pllmul::MUL13,
14 => Pllmul::MUL14,
15 => Pllmul::MUL15,
16 => Pllmul::MUL16,
_ => unreachable!(),
// This function assumes the incoming divisor cannot be greater
// than 16
fn into_pre_div(divisor: u32) -> Prediv {
match divisor {
1 => Prediv::DIV1,
2 => Prediv::DIV2,
3 => Prediv::DIV3,
4 => Prediv::DIV4,
5 => Prediv::DIV5,
6 => Prediv::DIV6,
7 => Prediv::DIV7,
8 => Prediv::DIV8,
9 => Prediv::DIV9,
10 => Prediv::DIV10,
11 => Prediv::DIV11,
12 => Prediv::DIV12,
13 => Prediv::DIV13,
14 => Prediv::DIV14,
15 => Prediv::DIV15,
16 => Prediv::DIV16,
_ => unreachable!(),
// Determine GCD using Euclidean algorithm
fn gcd(mut a: u32, mut b: u32) -> u32 {
while b != 0 {
let r = a % b;
a = b;
b = r;