1069: GPIOTE InputChannel with mutable reference. r=Dirbaio a=Ardelean-Calin
Adding these changes enables us to define a channel using a mutable reference to `GPIOTE_CH(n)`, similar to how we can do with other drivers. So instead of using:
let p = embassy_nrf::init(config);
let freq_in = InputChannel::new(
Input::new(&mut p.P0_19, embassy_nrf::gpio::Pull::Up),
we can use:
let p = embassy_nrf::init(config);
let freq_in = InputChannel::new(
&mut p.GPIOTE_CH0,
Input::new(&mut p.P0_19, embassy_nrf::gpio::Pull::Up),
therefore not giving ownership to GPIOTE_CH0.
Co-authored-by: Ardelean Călin Petru <ardelean.calin@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Ardelean Calin <ardelean.calin@proton.me>