Use a regex to match find enable and rst regs

This commit is contained in:
Timo Kröger 2021-07-30 17:17:38 +02:00
parent 4e47b15daf
commit c985c031d4

@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ impl BlockInfo {
fn find_reg_for_field<'c>(
rcc: &'c ir::IR,
reg_prefix: &str,
reg_regex: &str,
field_name: &str,
) -> Option<(&'c str, &'c str)> {
rcc.fieldsets.iter().find_map(|(name, fieldset)| {
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ fn find_reg_for_field<'c>(
// not help matching for clock name.
if name.starts_with("C1") || name.starts_with("C2") {
} else if name.starts_with(reg_prefix) {
} else if Regex::new(reg_regex).unwrap().is_match(name) {
@ -441,31 +441,22 @@ pub fn gen(options: Options) {
if let Some(clock_prefix) = clock_prefix {
// Ignore the numbers in clock name when searching for enable bits because clock
// names do not map cleanly to regsiter names.
// Example:
// stm32f0: RCC_APB2ENR - APB peripheral clock enable register 2 CLOCK: APB1
// stm32f4: RCC_APB2ENR - RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable register CLOCK: APB2
// Search for the enable bit in all available registers to support the stm32f0 case.
let search_clock_prefix = clock_prefix.trim_end_matches(char::is_numeric);
// Workaround for clock registers being split on some chip families. Assume fields are
// named after peripheral and look for first field matching and use that register.
let mut en =
find_reg_for_field(&rcc, search_clock_prefix, &format!("{}EN", name));
find_reg_for_field(&rcc, "^.+ENR\\d*$", &format!("{}EN", name));
let mut rst =
find_reg_for_field(&rcc, search_clock_prefix, &format!("{}RST", name));
find_reg_for_field(&rcc, "^.+RSTR\\d*$", &format!("{}RST", name));
if en.is_none() && name.ends_with("1") {
en = find_reg_for_field(
&format!("{}EN", &name[ - 1]),
rst = find_reg_for_field(
&format!("{}RST", &name[ - 1]),