programs contain information we could pull from them directly and use to
validate other configuration of the state machine instead of asking the
user to pull them out and hand them to us bit by bit. unfortunately
programs do not specify how many in or out bits they use, so we can only
handle side-set and wrapping jumps like this. it's still something though.
it's only any good for PioPin because there it follows a pattern of gpio
pin alternate functions being named like that, everything else can just
as well be referred to as `pio::Thing`
1429: rp pio, √9 r=Dirbaio a=pennae
another mix of refactoring and soundness issues. most notably pio pins are now checked for being actually accessible to the pio blocks, are constructible from not just the owned peripherals but refs as well, and have their registrations to the pio block reverted once all state machines and the common block has been dropped.
state machines are now also stopped when dropped, and concurrent rx+tx using dma can finally be done in a sound manner. previously it was possible to do, but allowed users to start two concurrent transfers to the same fifo using different dma channels, which obviously would not have the expected results on average.
Co-authored-by: pennae <>
this *finally* allows sound implementions of bidirectional transfers
without blocking. the futures previously allowed only a single direction
to be active at any given time, and the dma transfers didn't take a
mutable reference and were thus unsound.
we can only have one active waiter for any given irq at any given time.
allowing waits for irqs on state machines bypasses this limitation and
causes lost events for all but the latest waiter for a given irq.
splitting this out also allows us to signal from state machines to other
parts of the application without monopolizing state machine access for
the irq wait, as would be necessary to make irq waiting sound.
move all methods into PioStateMachine instead. the huge trait wasn't
object-safe and thus didn't have any benefits whatsoever except for
making it *slightly* easier to write bounds for passing around state
machines. that would be much better solved with generics-less instances.
1425: rp pio, round 2 r=Dirbaio a=pennae
another round of bugfixes for pio, and some refactoring. in the end we'd like to make pio look like all the other modules and not expose traits that provide all the methods of a type, but put them onto the type itself. traits only make much sense, even if we added an AnyPio and merged the types for the member state machines (at the cost of at least a u8 per member of Pio).
Co-authored-by: pennae <>
not requiring a PioInstance for splitting lets us split from a
PeripheralRef or borrowed PIO as well, mirroring every other peripheral
in embassy_rp. pio pins still have to be constructed from owned pin
instances for now.
merge into PioInstance instead. PioPeripheral was mostly a wrapper
around PioInstance anyway, and the way the wrapping was done required
PioInstanceBase<N> types where PIO{N} could've been used instead.
add an hd44780 example for pio. hd44780 with busy polling is a pretty
complicated protocol if the busy polling is to be done by the
peripheral, and this example exercises many pio features that we don't
have good examples for yet.
1376: rtc: cleanup and consolidate r=Dirbaio a=xoviat
This removes an extra file that I left in, adds an example, and consolidates the files into one 'v2' file.
Co-authored-by: xoviat <>
1414: rp: report errors from buffered and dma uart receives r=Dirbaio a=pennae
neither of these reported errors so far, which is not ideal. add error reporting to both of them that matches the blocking error reporting as closely as is feasible, even allowing partial receives from buffered uarts before errors are reported where they would have been by the blocking code. dma transfers don't do this, if an errors applies to any byte in a transfer the entire transfer is nuked (though we probably could report how many bytes have been transferred).
Co-authored-by: pennae <>
instruction memory is a shared resource. writing it only from PioCommon
clarifies this, and perhaps makes it more obvious that multiple state
machines can share the same instructions.
this also allows *freeing* of instruction memory to reprogram the
system, although this interface is not entirely safe yet. it's safe in
the sense rusts understands things, but state machines may misbehave if
their instruction memory is freed and rewritten while they are running.
fixing this is out of scope for now since it requires some larger
changes to how state machines are handled. the interface provided
currently is already unsafe in that it lets people execute instruction
memory that has never been written, so this isn't much of a drawback for now.
pin and irq operations affect the entire pio block. with pins this is
not very problematic since pins themselves are resources, but irqs are
not treated like that and can thus interfere across state machines. the
ability to wait for an irq on a state machine is kept to make
synchronization with user code easier, and since we can't inspect loaded
programs at build time we wouldn't gain much from disallowing waits from
state machines anyway.
- probe-run screwed up the last release 2 weeks ago and it's still not fixed (issue 391). Doesn't look well maintained.
- Even when it's not broken, it lags behind probe-rs-cli in new chips support because it's slow in updating probe-rs.
1379: enable inline-asm feature for cortex-m in examples r=Dirbaio a=pennae
inline assembly is supported since rust 1.59, we're way past that. enabling this makes the compiled code more compact, and on rp2040 even decreses memory usage by not needing thunks in sram.
Co-authored-by: pennae <>
inline assembly is supported since rust 1.59, we're way past that.
enabling this makes the compiled code more compact, and on rp2040
even decreses memory usage by not needing thunks in sram.